Friday, 24 October 2014

Turn around now

So a quick update with a line test 3/4 turn. I will have to redo another one once I have decided on a final design for main character, but I just needed to get some animation done, even if it was just semi turn

And here are the designs I did some turn around for a couple of the earlier drawings I did.

I also did another mood painting of what the scenery could be like.

Have a good one, 


Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Beginning of ideas

Starting to develop main project ideas.

So it started with an older image of mine that is connected with a storyline I've been wanting to develop for a while. 

So I began with doing some research on Inuit peoples and just drawing out a story board to get the main scenes down.

And I have designed the main character's look along side the story line. Basing the colours on these concept drawings.

Some early sketches.

Then some more developed versions.

 Once I have come up with a good version for the film I will contemplate wether to choose a different one to model in 3D or not. 

Friday, 3 October 2014

More Modelling

So just came back after a maya lesson with Sean, very cool. I can understand the basics of modelling as long as it is a chair or mattress, the animate objects and creatures are coming up later and I'm pretty excited to have a go.

I'm working on ideas for my character, as well as a vague plot for a final film, which I'll update about more over the weekend, and possibly on Monday after the production meeting as well. 

From the first lesson with Phil. Learning the very basics and how to navigate the interface

And these are from today. Not textured and such, but this much more advanced than anything I have attempted before.